All Hell Is Now Breaking Loose In Europe!

With the ECB now shutting off direct funds to Greece, today one of the greats in the business warned King World News that all hell is now breaking loose in Europe. He also warned that the situation is spiraling out of control and deteriorating quite rapidly.

The Stunning Truth About What Is Really Happening With The Price Of Gold

With continued turmoil in global markets and investors unsure where gold and silver are headed from here, today King World News shares a fascinating piece which features four incredibly fascinating illustrations about what is really happening with the price of gold. This shows an entirely different perspective than what the mainstream media is telling people.

Paul Craig Roberts – The New Greek Government May Be Assassinated

Today Dr. Paul Craig Roberts stunned King World News when he said that the new Greek government may be assassinated because the stakes are so high. The former U.S. Treasury official takes KWN readers on a terrifying trip down the rabbit hole of government lies and assassinations, where the stakes are high and governments play for keeps.

Could The Price Of Gold Really Spike 70 Percent In The Next 90 Days?

On the heels of continued pressure in the metals markets, today one analyst out of Europe asks the question: Could the price of gold really spike 70 percent in the next 90 days? This is the type of thing that the big banks follow closely, as well as big money and savvy professionals. David P. out of Europe sent us the three key charts along with his commentary.

Panic In Markets As The World Heads Into A Full-Blown Depression

Today a 40-year market veteran sent King World News an incredibly important piece that cautions the panic we are seeing in major markets is a warning sign that the world is now headed into a full-blown depression. This piece exclusively for KWN also reveals which country made a killing shorting the oil market before it collapsed.