Rick Rule: Chairman / Founder of Sprott US Holdings & President of Sprott Asset Management USA; Portfolio Manager – Rick is known as one of the most “street-smart” people in the natural resource sector and gold world with nearly 40 years of experience. Sprott Asset Management USA Inc. manages over a billion and through acquisition is now part of the $7 billion Sprott Asset Management LP.
FOR DIRECTIONS ON HOW TO PLAY OR DOWNLOAD AUDIOS: CLICK HERE Dr. Philippa “Pippa” Malmgren: President & Founder of DRPM Group – Dr. Malmgren was former Special Assistant to the President of the United States for Economic Policy and former member of the U.S. President’s Working Group on Financial Markets. While in the White House, Dr. Philippa “Pippa” Malmgren served as financial market advisor in the White House and functioned as the liaison
Bill Fleckenstein: President of Fleckenstein Capital – Bill is a professional money manager with over 30 years of experience, he also writes a daily Market Rap column for his Web site at Fleckenstein Capital. Bill has appeared at one time or another in virtually all financial media including Bloomberg, CNBC, The New York Times, MSN, Marketwatch, Barron’s and more. He is often quoted in both national and international media. Bill is a highly sought after speaker,
Gerald Celente: Founder & Director of the Trends Research Institute – Gerald has had a long track record of making some of the most controversial, yet correct calls in terms of global trends and events. In fact, many consider Mr. Celente to be the top trends forecaster in the world. Gerald has been quoted and interviewed in media throughout the world such as, CNBC, Fox, CBS, ABC, NBC, BBC, Time Magazine, The
The public has been selling into gold’s rise, but here is the good news.
Despite the continued stock market euphoria the US faces an increasingly difficult position.
Here is a trip down the rabbit hole of the “everything bubble,” Russia, BRICS, the US dollar and gold.
Here is a look at the gold bull and China’s epic collapse.
A crash warning was just issued as things are tough all over the world.
As we continue kickoff trading in the second month of 2024, here is more upside fuel for the gold market.
Ominous warning signs continue to trigger. Is the stock market finally ready to crash or will the outcome be different this time?
Bullion banks have been covering shorts in the gold market on the latest takedown, plus a look at silver and mining stocks.
It appears central bank gold buying is continuing at a “breakneck pace.” Plus a look at what else is happening across the globe.
Today Michael Oliver, the man who is well known for his deadly accurate forecasts on stocks, bonds, and major markets, communicated to King World News that gold is approaching the major upside trigger as well as the final “on-board” signal.