Shocking Reason Why Germany, Netherlands And Belgium Are Repatriating Their Gold From The U.S.

On the heels of today’s surprise German Bundesbank announcement that Germany allegedly repatriated 120 tonnes of gold back from the U.S. and Paris, today a 50-year veteran spoke with King World News about the shocking reason why the Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium are bringing their gold back home. He also discussed the mini-crash in China and the extraordinary move by the Swiss central bank last week.

Serious Questions Surround Germany’s Alleged 120 Ton Gold Repatriation From U.S. And Paris

With the announcement today by the Bundesbank that the German’s have allegedly repatriated 120 tonnes of their gold held abroad in the United States and Paris, serious questions have immediately begun to emerge about the shady way this co-called repatriatration has taken place. This piece takes a trip down the rabbit hole of today’s shady Bundesbank announcement.

Former White House Official – Europe In Danger Of Mega-Bank Runs That Jeopardize The World

Today a former White House official and Plunge Protection Team member warned King World News that Europe is now in danger of mega-bank runs that will destabilize the entire global financial system. Former presidential adviser and member of the U.S. President’s Working Group on Financial Markets, Dr. Philippa Malmgren, also discussed why the bank runs may spread across the Atlantic to the United States, eventually engulfing the entire world in chaos.