On the heels of more turmoil in the currency markets, today one of the greats in the business sent King World News a note from the President of “China Beige Book International” in which he says talk of currency wars is overblown. He went on to clarify exactly what China is doing by adjusting the value of the yuan.
On the heels of the second Chinese devaluation of the yuan, today one of the greats in the business sent King World News a fantastic piece discussing the “uniquely crash-prone” stock market, plus a bonus Q&A that covers exactly how he is shorting the stock market, a question about buying the mining shares and much more.
With everyone focused on the devaluation of the Chinese yuan and the subsequent chaos in global markets, today King World News thought it was a good idea to take a step back and look at the big picture of the war between gold and the Federal Reserve. This led to a remarkable question: Is the price of gold headed to $20,000?
On the heels of the Chinese devaluing the yuan, today one of the greats in the business sent King World News a fantastic piece discussing china’s gold accumulation and their plans for the yuan, plus a bonus Q&A that covers precious metals, the Gartman curse and much more.
On the heels of China’s historic adjustment of the yuan, today a 50-year market veteran spoke King World News about the chaos in China, economic suicide, shenanigans from the Fed and 3 ominous warnings!
On the heels of the gold and silver surging along with the Dow, the Godfather of newsletter writers, 90-year-old Richard Russell, said the brutal bear phase in gold and silver is now coming to an end. The legend also discussed other key markets.
With stocks, gold, silver and oil all rallying, today former U.S. Treasury official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, warned that the U.S. economy continues its collapse.
Today one of the wealthiest, street-smart professionals in the markets, who is also business partners with billionaire Eric Sprott, spoke with King World News about what he believes is going to send the price of gold soaring.
Today the man who has become legendary for his predictions on QE, historic moves in currencies, and major global events warned King World News that the terrifying “dark years” are about to begin as the world now faces the greatest downside risks in history.
Today the top trends forecaster in the world predicted a global stock market crash and gave the exact time frame in this exclusive King World News interview. He also spoke about how this crash will trigger a worldwide panic.