Global Fiat Failure And The Coming Panic Into Gold & Silver
As the world moves through one crisis after another, it will be nothing compared to the coming global fiat failure and panic into gold and silver.
As the world moves through one crisis after another, it will be nothing compared to the coming global fiat failure and panic into gold and silver.
With the price of gold trading near the $2,000 level, here is what is happening behind the scenes.
The price of silver will now begin to surge aggressively, plus gold and stock market interventions.
Money flowing into gold breaks all-time record as the inflation nightmare continues.
With the price of gold approaching the $2,000 level, the silver and gold set up is extremely bullish, plus that giant sucking sound all-time records and collapses!
Look at the surprise that is leading the gold and silver markets higher.
As the world moves from one crisis to another, one thing is certain, the financial doomsday clock is close to midnight.
As the world lurches through the 4th turning, we are heading toward $35,000 gold, but gold’s initial surge will be a wakeup call.
People need to buckle up and get prepared because we are on the cusp of the greatest crisis in the history of the world.
It appears that a staggering 28% of gold supplied to the LBMA has now been cutoff. Get ready for a massive short squeeze in the gold market.