Gerald Celente – Was The Suspicious NYSE Trading Halt An Attempt To Stop A Crash In U.S. Markets?

On the heels of yesterday’s nearly 4-hour trading halt at the New York Stock Exchange, today the top trends forecaster in the world spoke with King World News about what he called a “suspicious” halt to trading in New York. Celente wonders if the halt was done to prevent a possible crash from unfolding in U.S. stocks, just like the crash that just took place in China.

Massive Contagion Will Lead To A Worldwide Financial Catastrophe – Will A Desperate U.S. Start World War III?

As the world nervously waits to see what chaos will unfold on the heels of the historic Greek vote to reject more European austerity, the man who has become legendary for his predictions on QE, historic moves in currencies, and major global events warned King World News that we will see massive contagion that will lead to a worldwide financial catastrophe.