Goldcorp Declares Fifth Monthly Dividend Payment for 2015

[PR Newswire] – Pursuant to tax legislation enacted in 2007, Canadian resident individuals who receive “eligible dividends” in 2006 and subsequent years will be entitled to an enhanced gross-up and dividend tax credit on such dividends. All dividends paid in 2006 and subsequent years by Goldcorp Inc. are “eligible dividends” for this purpose. Goldcorp is one of the world’s fastest growing gold producers. This press release contains “forward-looking statements”, within

Central GoldTrust unitholders send clear message of need for change

[PR Newswire] – After Polar began its process to unlock value for the benefit of all Unitholders, Sprott Asset Management (“Sprott”) publicly stated its intention to launch an exchange offer to the benefit of all Unitholders. “The Meeting was a referendum on the trustees of CGT. The strong support received for Polar’s trustee nominees is a clear and unambiguous message that a significant number of CGT Unitholders have lost confidence