Today Nomi Prins, who has given keynote speeches to the World Bank, IMF, Federal Reserve, and many other prominent institutions, and who also correctly predicted last year that the price of gold would hit $2,500 in the middle of this year, just told King World News that investors should buckle up for some wild trading in global markets in 2025!
December 21 (King World News) – Eric King: “Nomi, we saw that announcement that the Russians and Chinese were going to be stockpiling silver. Is silver reentering the monetary system in a very strange way here? Because nobody saw that coming.”
Nomi Prins: “Well, that’s right. Central banks can buy silver. Russia has talked about silver, India has talked about silver, and India was already a big buyer of silver. And central banks are going to continue to hit a record this year and moving into next year with gold buying. China has started buying gold again. I think they never stopped, but they started reporting that they were buying again, and they can buy silver as well. I think that’s also going to give the bid to silver as will…to continue listening to Nomi Prins discuss her predictions for the price of silver, gold, uranium, stocks, the US dollar and much more as we get ready to head into 2025 CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.
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