
Peter Boockvar – “Buy As Much Gold As You Can Now”

Today King World News is highlighting a piece by one of the greats which discusses the incredible chaos we are seeing in the markets and urges people to “BUY AS MUCH GOLD AS YOU CAN NOW.”  Below is the powerful piece which all KWN readers around the world must read. By Art Cashin Director of Floor Operations at UBS October 31 (King World News) – “Overnight And Overseas – The Bank

Habits That Are Making You Age Prematurely

Taking care of your body should be a top priority. Unfortunately in a world of flavored sodas and lazy Segways, we lose track of what it means to take care of ourselves. Exercise is key, and eating properly plays just as major of a role. But, there are other habits of our day to day lives that are negatively affecting our bodies.Click Here to…

Japan's central bank shocks markets with more easing as inflation slows

By Leika Kihara and Tetsushi Kajimoto TOKYO (Reuters) – The Bank of Japan shocked global financial markets on Friday by expanding its massive stimulus spending in a stark admission that economic growth and inflation have not picked up as much as expected after a sales tax hike in April. BOJ Governor Haruhiko Kuroda portrayed the board’s tightly-split decision to buy more assets as a preemptive strike to keep policy on

Maguire – We’re Seeing Stunning Amounts Of Euro Gold Buying

Today London metals trader Andrew Maguire told King World News that there is currently stunning amounts of euro gold physical buying taking place in London. Maguire also spoke about the staggering demand for physical gold elsewhere around the world. Below is what Maguire had to say in Part I of a series of interviews…

Powers That Be Have Frozen Money For Swiss Gold Initiative

Today a 42-year market veteran told King World News that the powers that be have frozen the money intended for the Swiss Gold Initiative.  This is a stunning event.  Below is what Egon von Greyerz, who is founder of Matterhorn Asset Management out of Switzerland, had to say in this extraordinary interview. Greyerz:  “Eric, there was a time when central bankers were independent and free thinking individuals.  But now they

CDC admits it has been lying all along about Ebola transmission; "indirect" spread now acknowledged

Defying its own quack advice that the agency has been propagandizing for months, the CDC has now released a document on Ebola that admits the virus can spread through aerosolized droplets. The document, quietly released on the CDC website, also admits Ebola can contaminate surfaces such as doorknobs, causing infections to be spread through indirect means…