As we approach the final endgame, all hell is about to break loose in the gold market.

April 1 (King World News) – Gold fund manager, Lawerence Lepard:  “Longest and deepest bear market in gold stocks since WWII. Companies trading at record low multiples to book, cash flow, revenues, gold price. Table pounding buy.” (see chart below).

You may ask, what happens after bear markets in mining stocks end?…

To listen to 
Doug Casey’s just-released KWN interview discussing his prediction of financial and economic chaos and a panic into gold CLICK HERE OR BELOW:


The average returns are jaw-dropping when gold equity bull markets kickoff. Although the historic average is a staggering 540% return, this bull market may very well end up being above the average because of the unprecedented and historic undervaluation of the mining stocks (see chart below).

Gold Stocks Average A Staggering 540% Return In Bull Markets

What will be the catalyst for the big move in gold, silver, and the underlying high-quality companies that mine the metals? How about one of the most insane credit cycles in history (see chart below).

THE ULTIMATE CATALYST: All Hell Will Break Loose When This Credit Cycle Implodes

Nobody summed up what is in front of us better than Ludwig von Mises (see his ominous quote below).

The Endgame – Collapse

Also of importance…

The top performing royalty company in the world for the past 12 months reported this exciting acquisition news today:  “This transaction marks a major step in growth for Metalla,” commented Metalla’s President & CEO Brett Heath. “Today’s accretive transaction with Alamos significantly enhances Metalla’s existing portfolio and will drive production growth, cash flow, NAV, and increase our precious metals optionality. We want to welcome Alamos as a strategic shareholder and believe their endorsement continues to prove our strategy of being the go-to royalty company for third-party holders. With 43 royalties now in our portfolio, we believe Metalla is well positioned for an exciting future.” Metalla Royalty & Streaming, symbol MTA in Canada and MTAFF in the US.  To read today’s exciting press release CLICK HERE.

***KWN has now released the powerful audio interview with Andrew Maguire and you can listen to it by CLICKING HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

***Also just released: Trey Reik – A Perfect Storm Of Events Is Going To Ignite The Gold Price CLICK HERE TO READ.

***Also just released: Trey Reik – A Perfect Storm Of Events Is Going To Ignite The Gold Price CLICK HERE TO READ.

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