Over-The-Counter Pill Adds 12 Years To Life!

Over-The-Counter Pill Adds 12 Years To Life! – In tests, the drug appears to hold back the aging process as well as helping fight disease. This every day drug, found in most people’s medicine cabinets, may be the key to developing a long sought after anti-ageing drug. It could also help fight a host of chronic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, arthritis and dementia. …

Treasury Department Seeks Survival Kits For Coming Collapse

Treasury Department Seeking Survival Kits For Employees Of Every Major Bank – The survival kit includes everything from water purification tablets – emergency masks – solar blankets to be delivered to every major bank in the U.S. – The Department of Treasury is seeking to order survival kits for all of its employees who oversee the federal banking system, according to a new solicitation. The emergency supplies would be for every employee at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)…

Can’t Live Without Your Wireless – Links To Brain Cancer Found

Swedes who talked on mobile or cordless phones for more than 25 years had triple the risk of a certain kind of brain cancer compared to those who used wireless phones for less than a year, a new study suggests. The odds of developing glioma, an often deadly brain cancer, rose with years and hours of use, researchers reported in the journal Pathophysiology. “The risk is three times higher after


Mylan not relying on acquisitions if Perrigo bid fails: chairman

By Steven Scheer TEL AVIV (Reuters) – Mylan will likely win its bid to take over Irish-based generic drugmaker Perrigo Co, but if the bid fails the company can live without seeking an alternative acquisition, its chairman said on Wednesday. Mylan made an offer for Perrigo in April, which was rejected, and went hostile in September with its $25 billion all-share offer. Perrigo shareholders have until Nov. 13 to accept.