Michael Oliver, the man who is well known for his deadly accurate forecasts on stocks, bonds, and major markets, sent to King World News a key update on gold and silver mining stocks.

Gold and silver miners (GDX and XAU Index)
February 18 (King World News) – Michael Oliver, Founder of MSA Research:  Yes, the miners are still well below the price highs they saw in 2011 when gold was $1920. So that means they’re either “no good” or just vastly undervalued, underappreciated, and frankly ignored by the masses of giddy stock market investors.

MSA argues the latter and is therefore intent on monitoring this massively underpriced and tiny category. We expect both more dramatic price gains by the miners this year and perhaps onward than is provided by gold, and that it will be a shift signaled by their spread action vs. gold. 

Here we do the stupid thing, which sometimes is not stupid: look at price. Ponder this. The 2011 bull market high in miners was a matter of a handful of months, and for gold it was basically a one-month spike. And the low in late 2015 was a spike low by gold, and the miners only spent several months down there before almost tripling in price over the next few quarters (their “I’m back!” statement rally). Brief events at those pivotal top/bottom times.

Well, now look at the action since mid 2020. It’s what’s called upside persistence. Not topping action whatsoever. (MSA argued this to everyone during that 2020 to 2023 range in gold when highs over $2000 were repeatedly seen and sold into. That is not the way gold ever tops! And that’s why we knew that the brief plunge in late 2022 to just above $1600 gold was a “bear trap.”)

Consider instead that what you’re looking at here is a massive compression-building situation that’s on the cusp of breaking out. (Note the shallowness of that recent pullback, unlike the prior ones: it was quickly bought up! Hint, hint.) When the breakout occurs, it will shock and surprise most, including most gold investors. You must subscribe to Michael Oliver’s MSA Annual Service to get this special 6 page report as well as his stock picks which have dramatically outperformed the XAU. MSA also lists individual mining stocks in their reports that significantly outperform the HUI Gold Mining Index. To receive the special KWN discount to subscribe to Michael Oliver’s internationally acclaimed MSA Annual Research and gain access to their research and stock picks CLICK HERE.

To listen to one of Gerald Celente’s best interviews ever discussing his shocking predictions for 2025 CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

JUST RELEASED! Gold Hits New Record High This Week!
To listen to Alasdair Macleod discuss gold hitting a new record high this week as well as some surprises happening in the gold and silver markets CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

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