Today Michael Oliver, the man who is well known for his deadly accurate forecasts on stocks, bonds, and major markets, communicated to King World News exactly what level gold needs to hit for the next upside breakout.

Gold Momentum
September 9 (King World News) – Michael Oliver, Founder of MSA Research:  Gold: Here we update 100-day momentum from our last weekend report. This is the next upside breakout level we’re monitoring for gold that would signal an end to the choppy, slowly grinding upward action of the past several weeks.
While gold does get dragged into the mud with stocks, especially if you look at hourly charts, it has remained steadfast in the face of stock market volatility. As such, the gold/stock ratio is shifting in gold’s favor, something we’ll update this week.

Yes, silver and the mining stocks are also volatile and more easily swayed by those outside forces, but they will only be able to get so far away from gold. Gold ultimately has silver on a leash, and if gold simply doesn’t collapse despite the stock market blowing up around it, silver won’t collapse either. Likewise if gold breaks out of this level, silver will follow.

We need to see gold daily settlement (the October contract until the end of September, when we’ll switch to the December contract) at or above the +150 level (i.e., $150 above the 100-day avg.). Today that would require $2547.60 or higher, that number rising by about $1 per day. MSA lists individual mining stocks in their reports that they believe will significantly outperform the HUI Gold Mining Index. The portion above is only 1 page of a special 10 page report. To receive entire report use the special KWN discount to subscribe to Michael Oliver’s internationally acclaimed MSA Annual Research and gain access to their stock picks CLICK HERE.

Prins Predicts $4,000 Gold Price & Much More
***To listen to
Nomi Prins’s predictions for the price of gold, silver, uranium, interest rates and much more CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

Just Released!
***To listen to
Alasdair Macleod’s just released audio interview discussing the Russian gold buying along with other central banks and much more CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

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