Today Alasdair Macleod spoke with King World News about how one of his clients made a fortune in the 1970s gold bull market. There is a lesson here for everyone around the world about what is in front of us and how to profit from it.

July 13 (King World News) – Alasdair Macleod:  “Eric, this takes me back to my stockbroker days.  We had a company doctor who retired. This must have been in the early 1970s (gold bull market).  And he bought two stocks. One was a South African very deep goldmine.  And Durban Deep, which is another very deep gold mine.  Anyway, he bought these shares for pennies.  The price of both of these were around 150 pence each.  He bought them in big size.  He bought 500,000 of each.  He did it very professionally.  He was no fool this guy.  Anyway, he sold this lot out at over £20 a share!  It was just absolutely stunning.  And that to me was a big lesson.  I think we see a similar setup today.  Gold is…to continue listening to Alasdair Macleod discuss how to make a fortune in this gold bull market CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

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