On the heels of the recent volatility followed by consolidation, King World News continues to take a step back and remain focused on the big picture for our readers around the world. 

Silver Ready To Shine
November 6 (
King World News) –
Graddhy out of Sweden:  Big picture, silver has a fantastic chart setup, e.g.:

► 14-year perfect triangle
► false breakout done so no need to go there again
► bullish reversal candle for Oct backtesting black mid-point line + green arc, holding MA50

Silver Preparing For Blastoff!

Chart looks ready, finally…

Legendary investors are buying share of a company very few people know about. To find out which company CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

Graddhy out of Sweden:
  Gold has a huge breakout vs US CPI from bullish pattern.

And it now has a beauty of a backtest, see orange text.

Gold Is Now Set To Massively Outperform Inflation

Very bullish chart for precious metals as odds are now high it will climb the right side of the green rounded bottom/arc.

Graddhy out of Sweden:
  When I hear classic contrarian investing sayings like:

”buy low, sell high”
”be a contrarian”
”buy when there is blood in the streets”
”be greedy when others are fearful”

I think about this silver chart.

Silver On The Cusp Of A Historic Upside Explosion – 7X To Reach All-Time High

Chart looks ready.

Lifetime opportunity, if grabbed.

To listen to Alasdair Macleod’s just released audio interview discussing major surprises happening around the world that are set to ignite gold and silver prices higher and much more CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

ALSO JUST RELEASED: This Is Going To Send Shockwaves Through Global Markets CLICK HERE
ALSO JUST RELEASED: The United States Is Being Destroyed And Other Countries Are Taking Notice CLICK HERE

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