Lord Christopher Monckton: Former Prime Ministerial Adviser On Scientific & Domestic Policy To Margaret Thatcher, Journalist And Inventor Of The Mathematical Puzzle “Eternity.” – He has also prevented several government-level scientific frauds saving British taxpayers billions. Lord Monckton is also the world’s leading expert on the case against man-made Global Warming, and as such is a household name in the United States and elsewhere.…
Study Shows Eating Foods From This Region Linked To Life Altering Health Benefits – Are you overweight, do you have high blood pressure, or chronic diseases associated with Inflammation? Study Shows Eating Foods From This Region stops the expression of a gene associated with inflammation in fat cells and reduces the damaging effects….
Want To Be Smarter, Slimmer And Healthier… – It’s not difficult to get into a rut with food. As we rush about in our busy lives, many times nutrition takes a backseat to more pressing concerns. The regrettable cost of this shortcut? Expanding waistlines, dulled thinking and floundering immune systems. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way….
Bill Gross & Ray Dalio – Disaster Will Strike In 2015: Beware the Ides of March, or the Ides of any month in 2015 for that matter. When the year is done, there will be minus signs in front of returns for many asset classes. The good times are over….
Scientists Have Found A Way To Stop & Rewind The Clock Of Aging: The Fountain Of Youth? – Finding a way to stop the ageing process has been an elusive, age-old dream. Now scientists from Australia and the US believe they have not only found a way to press pause – but to rewind the ageing process as well.
10 Warning Signs – 2015 Market Crash Dead Ahead: Stock markets opened lower on the first day of trading of 2015, and the credit markets that forewarned the 2007 crash are showing signs of strain. The FTSE 100 slid on the first day of trading in 2015. Here are 10 warning signs that the markets may drop further….
Increase Life Expectancy, Get Your Swagger Back & Reduce Pain: Part II (in a series) of some of the biggest research breakthroughs of the past year – This series will continue to include the best health and fitness trends and tips to help you stay strong in 2015. Use this information in 2015 to make this new year the greatest ever….
HAPPY NEW YEAR! – Stunning Ways The World Rings In 2015 – After a turbulent year, many could be forgiven for saying good riddance to 2014 and gratefully ringing in a new year. Across the globe, revelers looking for a respite from the gloom converged on the beaches of Brazil, the shores of Sydney harbor and New York’s Times Square to welcome 2015. A look at how the world is celebrating:
How Demographics May Doom the Bull Market – Boomers in recent decades benefited from one of the largest increases in household wealth in human history…Members of the Greatest Generation were paying their mortgages when the value of the U.S. dollar was still tied to gold…