On the heels of a continued surge in the price of gold and silver, one pro says it’s time for investors to get aggressive in this sector. Also look at these shocking economic indicators.
It appears Russia plans to unleash a gold-based digital currency and it is causing major moves in currency and metals markets.
Gold futures surged $35 and silver was 5% higher as the US dollar tumbled, but look at all of today’s surprises.
A commodity super-spike is coming. Are you ready for it?
Protesters in China have force the government to back down on COVID restrictions. This has been a relief for markets across the globe.
Here are 5 absolutely stunning charts for gold, oil and the stock market.
Look at what just eclipsed Japan’s historic 1989 bubble!
Today the man who has become legendary for his predictions on QE and historic moves in currencies and metals shared with King World News his terrifying predictions for the world as we head into 2023.
Today Nomi Prins, who has given keynote speeches to the World Bank, IMF, Federal Reserve, and many other prominent institutions, spoke with King World News about her surprising predictions for 2023 as well as why there is going to be a huge amount of money flowing into gold, silver and mining stocks at the end of this year and into 2023.
Open interest collapse has gold and silver poised to rocket higher.