Posts From King World News

Doctors Claim Lying Could Dramatically Improve Your Life?

Could a lie in dramatically improve your life? Experts call for workers to start at 10AM to improve sleep quality. – Every hour that work was delayed, people got 20 minutes more sleep – ‘Delaying the morning start time of work’ could have a major effect – 124,517 American adults sleep and work habits were analyzed. A major new study of American workers and their sleep patterns has recommended…

Brains ‘Turbo’ Switch May Store MORE Info And Boost Our Brainpower

Scientists have revealed a switch in the brain that could be used to give it a turbo boost, allowing us to store more information and improve memory. Researcher have identified a molecule that puts a brake on brain processing, and found when it was removed, brain function and memory recall is improved. They hope the discovery could have implications for neurodevelopment and neurodegenerative diseases, such as autism spectral disorders and Alzheimer’s disease…

Winter Is Here – Surprisingly Easy Ways to Prevent Colds

Washing your hands works, but it’s not the only step you can take to stay healthy this season. (Harry Vorsteher/Corbis) You wash your hands as much as a surgeon (and nearly as thoroughly), but sometimes it still isn’t enough to ward off colds and the flu. It’s time to attack from another angle. "Using hand sanitizer, regularly washing your hands, and avoiding people who are sick are the best ways

Air Dryers May Spread More Hand Germs

Have you ever wondered as you stood inside an amusement park or department store restroom, surrounded by sick people – Do Air Dryers Spread More Hand Germs? – What’s better for limiting the spread of bacteria in washrooms: paper towels, or air dryers? New research…

Add These Superfoods And Drinks NOW – To Reduce Your Risk Of Cancer

Add These Superfoods And Drinks NOW, To Reduce Your Risk Of Cancer – Apples contain at least two kinds of cancer-inhibiting compounds: flavonoids and phenolic acids. Together they may protect against damage to cells that can trigger malignancies; they may also prevent emerging cancer cells from dividing any further. If apples aren’t your favorite food, try citrus fruits and berries…

The Reason Putin Is Buying So Much Gold

The Reason Putin Is Buying So Much Gold – Russian President Vladimir Putin is developing a taste for gold (CEC:Commodities Exchange Centre: @GC.1). With all of its income from selling oil (Intercontinental Exchange Europe: @LCO.1), Russia is…

Want To Enjoy The Holidays But Avoid The Guilt – Some Healthy Tips

As a day that revolves mostly around food (and that falls in the center of a food-filled holiday season), it’s only natural that you might feel stressed about overeating or gaining weight during the holidays. Especially if you have weight loss goals or are simply working towards establishing healthier eating habits, instead of an enjoyable day spending time with friends and family, The holidays might feel like more of a

The most powerful supercomputers in the world – and what they do

Introduction and top ten We live in the computer age so it’s no surprise that a nation’s international importance is often measured on the number and the size of supercomputers it runs. After three wins in a row, it was no surprise that Tianhe-2, a supercomputer at China’s National University of Defence Technology in Guangzhou, was hailed once again as the world’s most powerful system, clocking 33.86 petaflops. The 44th