Posts From King World News

Is The Price Of Silver Really Headed Over $250?

Today King World News interviewed a 60-year market veteran who made some absolutely incredible predictions regarding the silver market. He discussed why the price of silver is headed to levels that seem unimaginable today. Below is six-decade market veteran Ron Rosen’s remarkable interview.

Rick Rule – War Is Hell, Especially In The Gold & Silver Markets

Today one of the wealthiest people in the financial world spoke with King World News about the ongoing war in the gold and silver markets as well as what to expect in the future.  Rick Rule, who is business partners with Eric Sprott, also discussed the remarkable gains that lie ahead for investors in gold, silver, and the mining shares. “Eric King:  “Rick, we’ve recently seen historic extremes on the

This Stunning Chart Has Surged Very Close To 30-Year Highs

With the Dow trading above 17,600, the Nasdaq close to 4,700, oil at $74.50, and gold near $1,180, today King World News is pleased to feature an incredible chart that has not truly reversed course in over 3 years.  This extraordinary chart is now closing in on 30-year highs. Here is the latest Investors Intelligence report along with the all-important sentiment chart:  The November stalling continued last week with only

Man Who Made Legendary Call In Silver Exposes BIS & Gold

Today the man who made one of the greatest market calls in history spoke with King World News about the historic events taking place in the gold and silver markets as well as what to expect in the future.  He also discussed the Bank for International Settlements involvement and why we are seeing such great volatility in gold. Davies:  “Outside of gold and silver, I don’t know any market in

Insider Exposes Shocking Truth On German Gold Repatriation

Today the original architect of Germany’s gold repatriation movement stunned King World News with the truth about what is really happening with the effort to get Germany’s gold back onto German soil.  What he had to say will surprise readers around the world. Eric King:  “Peter, you were one of the primary architects of this movement in Germany to repatriate Germany’s gold.” Boehringer:  “Yes, that’s correct.  I’m the main initiator,

Greatest Opportunity In The War In The Gold & Silver Markets

Today KWN is putting out a special piece which features two remarkable charts revealing the greatest opportunity in the war in the gold and silver markets.  These are charts that the big banks follow closely, as well as big money and savvy professionals.  David P. out of Europe sent us the two key charts along with his commentary. Below are the two key charts sent to KWN by David P.

The Stunning Reason Why Silver Is Set To Skyrocket

Today an acclaimed money manager spoke with King World News about the stunning reason why the price of silver is set to skyrocket, and what he had to say will shock KWN readers around the world.  Stephen Leeb also discussed what this means for investors who are positioned in physical silver and the companies that mine silver. Leeb:  “Most people watching the metals focus on gold, including myself, but silver

Russell – Stock Market Crash, Gold & Eventual Hyperinflation

With historic events taking place around the globe, the Godfather of newsletter writers, 90-year old Richard Russell, covered everything from a stock market collapse, to gold, hyperinflation, and massive numbers of homeless people in New York.  The 60-year market veteran also included a fantastic chart to go along with his outstanding commentary. Russell:  “On the news that Japan is back in recession, the Central Bank of Japan countered the news

Gold Market Has Now Moved Into More Extreme Backwardation

With the war in gold continuing to rage, today one of the most respected veterans in the gold world told King World News that on the heels of the recent rally gold has now moved into even more extreme backwardation.  Below is what James Turk had to say in this powerful interview. Turk:  “So far gold is doing exactly what we discussed last week, Eric. Gold is forming a “V”

Legend Warns Gold To See Massive Surge Above $2,000

Today a legend who was recently asked by the Chinese government to give a speech to government officials in China told King World News that the gold market is going to see a massive surge above $2,000 an ounce.  John Ing, who has been in the business for 43 years, also spoke about the incredible events happening around the world that will send the gold market skyrocketing. Ing:  “I just