Here is an important look at the gold and silver bull markets.

Gold Bull Market
October 8 (King World News) –
Graddhy out of Sweden:  Inflation is normally a sign of increasing demand and a reasonably healthy economy. The inflation we are getting now is not. It is grounded in debt and a currency debasement war. Hard assets is the way to go.
DO NOT MISS THE COMMODITIES BULL as it will literally save your (financial) life.

Saying that your future life depends upon making the most out of this precious metals bull market would not be an overstatement. And with that conclusion, getting the best guidance on price becomes vital.

Gold Has Had A Very Powerful But Orderly Advance

Another Historic Breakout
Graddhy out of Sweden:
  The ratio GOLD vs US CPI now has a truly historical breakout.

And silver is in catch-up mode which will lead to its huge c&h breakout…

Gold Has Already Broken Out vs US CPI (Inflation), Silver Will Follow

The “Wall of Terror”
King World News note:  For those of you continuing to accumulate physical gold and particularly silver, use periods of significant weakness to add to your holdings. As far as the mining and exploration space, the public continues to sell every rally. This is extremely bullish from a contrarian perspective because no new money is flowing into the sector as a whole, and many of the existing people invested in the space continue to simply look for an exit. That will not remain a state of permanence, but for now it appears the gold and silver bull markets are not climbing a “Wall of worry,” but rather climbing a “Wall of terror.”

Nomi Prins Just Made Two Shocking Price Predictions For Silver!
To listen to Nomi Prins’s two shocking predictions for the price of silver as well as her discussion on gold, uranium, oil, war, what surprises to expect in the last few months of 2024 and much more CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

Just Released!
***To listen to
Alasdair Macleod’s just released audio interview covering the wild trading he expects to see in the coming weeks in gold and silver CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

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