Today the man who has become legendary for his predictions on QE and historic moves in currencies and metals told King World News that the ultra-wealthy are now buying physical gold. This is what happens in phase III of a bull market.

May 25 (King World News) – Eric King:  “Egon, in the past when you would deal with family offices the desire to own gold just wasn’t there. You would go present to them, but they were not looking for gold at that time. Why do you think right now they are looking at gold? Has it been the massive surge in inflation — the debasement of the currencies accelerating? What has brought them around to gold?”

Egon von Greyerz, Founder & Managing Partner at VON GREYERZ AG:  “You know family offices today are bigger than hedge funds and private equity combined! They, like most other investors, are not holding gold today. As I said, we’ve had discussions at the highest levels of family offices, which are major global wealth managers, and they are telling us that now people are starting to look at gold, and their clients are starting to ask about gold. And they are…to continue listening to Egon von Greyerz discuss the ultra-wealthy moving into gold and how that will impact the gold market CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

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