Below are three must see charts for gold, silver and commodities bull markets.

June 25 (King World News) –
Graddhy out of Sweden:  Been saying lately that silver looked ready for break out. It then broke out above 13-year blue line. And then it also broke above $28.50 level which it is backtesting.

After Major Breakout (BLUE LINE) Silver Had Second Breakout (RED DOTTED LINE). Since Then Silver Has Been Backtesting $28.50 Support

2nd Inflationary Wave Has Begun
With the blue breakout, silver has now confirmed that it has resumed its secular bull market. This breakout also marks the start of the 2nd inflationary wave.

We are extremely fortunate to be here at this point in time, seeing this glorious commodities bull market develop. Historical chart. Generational opportunity, and threat.

Now in the big 3rd wave – coming years will be huge. Do play it right. We only have one chance. And once chance only.

Silver Mining Stocks
Graddhy out of Sweden:
  Silver miners outperforming gold miners is one of many main characteristics of a large bull market in precious metals.

I think it is time again for an EPIC move.

These opportunities are very, very rare, so make the most of it.

Most play the market with their emotions. They react to everything, plus have no strategy or trading/investing rules. They do the same thing over and over without changing. To succeed in trading, it is vital not to participate in this emotional roller-coaster, but make use of it instead.

And when a bull resumes, like gold and silver now has done, it is vital to change mindset. One can not play a bull with a bearish mindset. If you doubt the bull, you will not be able to change mindset, which means you will not be able to make good use of the bull. You have to believe in the bull or you end up being a victim of the wall of worry, i.e. your own emotions. 

The ratio chart above now has a breakout from an orange double bottom reversal pattern. And the chart now also has a higher low and a higher high. This means a trend change to the upside is now confirmed.

Commodities Super-Cycle Bull Market Has Begun
Graddhy out of Sweden:
  I am not a permabull because I post bullish big picture commodities charts.
Or a goldbug because I am bullish gold in a resumed secular bull.

No, commodities are simply in a new super-cycle bull since 4 years ago, which I called the start of at the green dot.

We are really just lucky bastards being here at this point in time. Historical asset class rotation for global capital flows coming.

Wild Trading In Gold & Silver!
To listen to Alasdair Macleod discuss the wild trading in the gold and silver markets this week and much more

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