Today Michael Oliver, the man who is well known for his deadly accurate forecasts on stocks, bonds, and major markets, communicated to King World News that this crisis is going to send the price of gold well above $3,000.

Gold: long-term price (lagged to momentum)
August 19 (King World News) – Michael Oliver, Founder of MSA Research:  While 36-mo. avg. momentum and 100-wk. momentum charts (in our reports in early March and before) broke out in late March, indicating the end of the three-year-wide pause in the bull trend and the start of the acceleration phase, price action is now signaling the same…

To learn about one of the greatest gold & silver royalty companies in the world CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

The multi-year parallel uptrend channel was fought at during the prior four months. Repeated price chart sellers played their game every time price reached into the $2450+ level (risking $2500, no doubt). They’re now plowed into the ground. MSA argued that the repeated pushing at the channel top was simply not the way gold peaks. Its highs are always spikes with sharp drops after. The clustering action since April was a tell.

If we play a normal price chart game, then swinging the dimension of the channel to a reflective upside level suggests next resistance above $3000, for what that’s worth.

MSA has noted before that bull trends in gold over the past fifty years have more often been at least eight-fold moves. This one began from a low at $1050. You do the math. And recognize that the external monetary and other asset class factors that are in play and about to become more so, are far more dynamic and upending than at any prior time in the past fifty years. Outcomes will be dramatic in many arenas, especially monetary metals—as the central government money-controlling “authorities” in the U.S., Europe, and elsewhere have to turn on the monetary spigots (in various ways) like never before. Expect gold (miners and silver) to exceed the dynamics of those prior trends, which were less crisis driven when compared to the one that’s emerging now. This is a small portion of a special report which is one of many issued each week by MSA Annual Research. To receive the special KWN discount to subscribe to Michael Oliver’s internationally acclaimed MSA Annual Research which is used by professionals and serious investors all over the world CLICK HERE.

Egon von Greyerz
To listen to the powerful audio interview with Egon von Greyerz where he issues a dire warning for people in the US and around the world as well as discussing what people need to do to avoid having their money trapped and possibly confiscated and much more CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

***To listen to Alasdair Macleod discuss his prediction for where the price of silver is headed,$3,000 gold and much more CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

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