Over-The-Counter Pill Adds 12 Years To Life!

Over-The-Counter Pill Adds 12 Years To Life! – In tests, the drug appears to hold back the aging process as well as helping fight disease. This every day drug, found in most people’s medicine cabinets, may be the key to developing a long sought after anti-ageing drug. It could also help fight a host of chronic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, arthritis and dementia. …

Is This The Greatest Invention Since The Telephone?

Is This The Greatest Invention Since The Telephone? – A world where there are no more language barriers might not be too far away – online, at least. This comany has now released the beta version of its live translation tool, allowing people to speak to others in another language – even if they don’t know what they’re saying. The tool translates speech instantly, providing both text and spoken translations…

Treasury Department Seeks Survival Kits For Coming Collapse

Treasury Department Seeking Survival Kits For Employees Of Every Major Bank – The survival kit includes everything from water purification tablets – emergency masks – solar blankets to be delivered to every major bank in the U.S. – The Department of Treasury is seeking to order survival kits for all of its employees who oversee the federal banking system, according to a new solicitation. The emergency supplies would be for every employee at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)…

Why America Just Lost Its First Cyberwar

The most powerful supercomputers in the world – and what they do? We live in the computer age so it’s no surprise that a nation’s international importance is often measured on the number and the size of supercomputers it runs. After three wins in a row, it was no surprise that this supercomputer, was hailed once again as the world’s most powerful system…