Legendary Pierre Lassonde Says Super-Wealthy Now Buying Massive Positions In The Gold Sector

With the price of gold and silver tumbling recently, today legendary Pierre Lassonde told King World News that the super-wealthy are now buying massive positions in the gold sector.  Lassonde is arguably the greatest company builder in the history of the mining sector.  He is past president of Newmont Mining, former chairman of the World Gold Council and current chairman of Franco Nevada.  Lassonde is one of the wealthiest, most

Paul Craig Roberts – Financial Corruption, Propaganda And Why The U.S. Government Won’t Answer My Letter

On the heels of the U.S. Jobs Report being released and the manufactured surge in the dollar and pounding in the gold and silver markets, today former U.S. Treasury official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts spoke with King World News about the total corruption of the financial markets and why the U.S. government won’t answer his letter about the proof of this corruption.