Accept the gold and silver volatility because it has the look of the January 2016 bottom.

Accept The Gold & Silver Volatility
July 19 (King World News) – Graddhy out of Sweden:  Macro has been bullish for precious metals since Nixon took USD off the gold standard back in the 70´s. And just increased since then. But, big picture macro and very short term price action are two very different things. Charts are really the only real edge we have in the markets today.

It is reasonable to expect precious metals (pm) to be a bit volatile as pm is the counter weight for the whole global monetary system. And the present global monetary system is failing (this one too), so accept the volatility as it is very much expected. And it will increase

To find out which silver company just made a major acquisition that will
quadruple their production 
click here or on the image below

Email from KWN reader C. Perkins:  Well, it doesn’t get any clearer than this:

Silver Has Been In A Long Sideways Consolidation After
Hitting The $30 Level On Two Different Occasions

The Daily 233 Fib-WMA (support) has given way and all that’s left before real trouble is the Daily 377 Fib-WMA (support) now at about $25.10.  Here’s a closer look:

Trading Range Simply Part Of Silver’s Long Consolidation

This Has The Look Of January 2016 Bottom
I’m sure people are puking ’em wholesale right now, and if it weren’t for KWN and a few others I’d be doing it too.  I don’t subscribe to Bernstein’s Daily DSI, but I’m aware of it, and I suspect it’s in single-digits right now, or soon will be.  This certainly has the “look” of January 2016 and we all know what happened next.

Keep up the good work!


Market Surprise
Albert Edwards, Former Head of Macro Strategy Société Générale:  US T-Bond chart: That looks like a textbook breakout to me after coming back and re-testing the downtrend. Whatever the fundamental explanation – the latest being Covid fears – breakouts (or breakdowns) like this matter as momentum becomes a key factor driving price.

US Treasury Rally And Breakout Sending Interest
Rates Lower Has Surprised Investors

King World News note:  Bonds may continue to surprise on the upside if global stock markets kickoff a bear market. This would create more flight to safety and bonds would potentially benefit. That would mean lower interest rates if it were to unfold.

ALSO JUST RELEASED: Some Very Big Surprises Are Unfolding Today And It Will All Benefit The Gold Market CLICK HERE.
ALSO JUST RELEASED: Greyerz – Do Not Pay Any Attention To This Takedown. Massive Cup & Handle Has Price Of Gold Headed To $3,000 CLICK HERE.

***To listen to this powerful discussion about exactly how the Fed and other central banks’ tapering is going to directly impact the gold and silver markets and why it will be incredibly bullish CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

***To listen to Alasdair Macleod discuss the implementation of Basel 3 and its impact on the gold market CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

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