Here is a stunning look at silver, commodities and mining stocks.

Commodities Bull
September 17 (King World News) –
Graddhy out of Sweden:  The commodities bull market started 53 months ago.

The commodities index CRB went 220%+ in its baby bull move. This secular commodities bull market will last 10+ years.

Commodities Bull May Last 10+ Years

For Heaven’s sake – do not miss it. Not coming, but happening NOW. 

HUI Gold Mining Stocks vs Oil Stocks
Graddhy out of Sweden:
  Can post this chart now as think it has turned inside the massive blue triangle for the last time.

HUI Gold Mining Stocks Set To Massively Outperform vs Oil Stocks

Oil sector lead the commodities baby bull move up from the bear low in 2020 (which I called in real-time). This chart says it is now time for precious metals to shine. And the precious metals sector has been showing strength last few years as expected, and oil is now breaking down.

The move in precious metals miners have only just begun. The charts are now set up to climb the right side of huge rounded bottoms. Most investors will not get into a bull market mindset until it is too late. Be one of the few that catches the whole move, the move of a lifetime

This silver explorer did a huge transaction with a $4.5 billion market cap producer CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW TO LEARN MORE.

Graddhy out of Sweden:
  The big silver breakout level using the yearly time frame is $31-32. And it is now right up against that breakout level. The orange tightening arrow pattern means a breakout is a given. This means one of the most significant breakouts in history is incoming.

Silver Coiling For Historic Upside Breakout That Will Propel Price To $50 All-Time High

Gold And The Death Of The Dollar!
***To listen to
the top trends forecaster in the world discuss gold and the death of the dollar CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

Gold Shorts Squeezed As Gold Hits Record High $2,600+!
***To listen to
Alasdair Macleod discuss the short squeeze in the gold and silver markets CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

Stock Market Bubble To Pop!
***To listen to
the man who helps oversee $150 billion discuss everything from inflation to global markets, a new launch and much more CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

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