Could the price of gold really hit $48,000? Plus a look at miners and the Great Rotation.

August 27 (King World News) – Graddhy out of Sweden:  GOLD: This chart is both the largest opportunity you will ever have, and also the largest threat you will ever face. Note that using the yearly time frame, the big backtest is already done.

Could The Price Of Gold Really Hit $48,000?

The 3rd and final bull phase has started.

And now, gold is at the blue gate for breakout…

Listen to the greatest Egon von Greyerz audio interview ever

The Great Rotation Has Already Started
Graddhy out of Sweden:
 Shared this ratio chart among many other charts back in Feb/March of this year, saying the next big up-move in precious metal miners was starting. It was.

Gold Mining Stocks Have Already Shot Into The Blue Zone vs This Chart From March. Ready For Historic Upside Breakout!

It was also the historical turning point for precious metal miners vs the stock market.

I do hope you made the most of it.

Finally Time For Miners
Graddhy out of Sweden:
  This is what has now started. The chart looks ready.

The market opportunity of a lifetime.

Gold Mining Stocks Coiling For Violent Move Higher

To listen to Alasdair Macleod discuss what may cause the silver market to explode higher as well as what’s in store for gold and the mining stocks CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

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