This is the biggest surprise about the massive rally in gold.

Does Anyone Want To Buy A Mining Stock?
May 3 (
King World News
) – 
Alasdair Macleod:  “I’m very interested in what you are saying, Eric, asking around to find out from the banks and brokers who know the flows into the mining sector. And they’ve said there is absolutely nothing (no fund flows at all into miners). There’s absolutely nothing, it (the mining stocks) are just being sucked higher by a vacuum. There are just no sellers. There are not buyers either, but it’s the absence of sellers at the moment which is driving them higher. There will come a point when people begin to realize…to listen to Alasdair Macleod discuss the wild things happening in the gold and silver markets CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

We May See Terrifying Hyperinflation
To listen to one of the greatest interviews ever with the man who oversees $150 billion globally

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