The price of silver and the HUI Gold Mining Index are about to skyrocket as gold trades near $2,550. Here is the setup…

Historical Breakout!
August 25 (King World News) –
Graddhy out of Sweden:  Did you doubt the blue historical breakout back in 2001?

Do you doubt the blue historical breakout happening right now in 2024?

First Historical Breakout = HUI Gold Mining Index Surged 1,250%!
Second HUI Breakout Underway Also Targets 1,250% Upside!

Some decisions in life are more important than others.

The Move Of A Lifetime
Graddhy out of Sweden: 
This ratio chart is now moving, as expected it would.
The chart says it is time for precious metals to shine.

Time To Bet On Gold Miners:
HUI Gold Mining Index Set To Radically Outperform XLE (Oil Producers)

Can post this chart now as think it has turned inside the massive blue triangle for the last time. Oil sector lead the commodities baby bull move up from the bear low in 2020.

The move in precious metals miners have really only just begun. The charts are now set up to climb the right side of huge rounded bottoms. Most will not get into a bull market mindset until it’s too late. So, be one of the few that catches the whole move, the move of a lifetime…

To learn about one of the greatest gold & silver royalty companies in the world CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

Be Prepared For What Is Coming
Graddhy out of Sweden:
  Shared this chart back in late 2023, saying US bonds looked to have bottomed at orange dot. And they did.

And if bonds looked to have bottomed, US yields should top at orange dot. And they did.

Said back then that this has HUGE implications, e.g. falling rates is bearish USD. And USD did have a top in late 2023 and has been rolling over since then, as expected.

Rate Cuts Means US Dollar Rally Has Peaked And Is Rolling Over. This Is Extremely Bullish For Gold & Silver Prices

And now, US bonds has put in a higher high after the major low in late 2023, i.e. US bonds has now confirmed a trend change to the upside. And that fits with Fed’s coming rate cuts and USD dropping.

When these charts turn big picture next time, we have to be prepared for what is coming.

Yet Another Bullish Catalyst For Gold & Silver
Graddhy out of Sweden:
  The commodities bull market should last at least 10 years from 2020 low. It is & will be glorious.


Commodities Will Last Until At Least 2030! This Adds More Fuel To Turbocharge The Gold & Silver Bull Markets

And, when CBs move from hiking+QT to cutting/YCC+QE, and when the bull markets in general equities+bonds are history, and when increasing inflation has made fixed income even more of a non-alternative, then global capital flows into the commodities space will be more than historical.

Note on the chart above that commodities have already turned very big picture versus the US stock market. This means the generational, life-changing opportunity is already in the making.

The question is, what do you plan to do with it?

To listen to Alasdair Macleod discuss what may cause the silver market to explode higher as well as what’s in store for gold and the mining stocks CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

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