Michael Oliver, the man who is well known for his deadly accurate forecasts on stocks, bonds, and major markets, communicated to King World News that the silver market will be unleashed higher once this key price level is exceeded on the upside.
December 26 (King World News) – Michael Oliver, Founder of MSA Research: Silver: weekly (intermediate-trend) momentum. … a three-wave momentum decline since the mid-September oscillator high (Chart 2 below). In silver’s case the three peak weekly oscillator closes since then align perfectly to form a three-point trend structure. Closing at $31.55 will close over that structure. Adjusts down more each week.
Also note that while gold’s price chart drop last week did not even approach its post-election panic selloff low, silver took out that price low (a wild dog on leash, again). But weekly momentum did not confirm: it did not approach the low oscillator reading seen after that headline-chasing selling after the election.
King World News note: For KWN readers around the world, continue to use any substantial weakness in the silver market to accumulate physical silver. Central banks in China and Russia are now adding physical silver to their reserves. Silver is slowly reentering the monetary system and it will be repriced radically higher over time (well over $100).
One Of Her Most Important Interviews Of 2024!
To listen to Nomi Prins discuss her predictions for the price of silver, gold, uranium, stocks, the US dollar and much more as we get ready to head into 2025 CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.
To listen to Alasdair discuss the wild trading in gold and silver this week, the Fed’s move to lower interest rates, have we hit bottom yet as we get ready to head into 2025 and much more CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.
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