Today the man who correctly predicted that the price of gold would soar in 2024, just issued a dire warning for the world.

He Correctly Predicted Gold Would Soar In 2024
October 18 (King World News) – Eric King:  
“Gerald, you made a well-timed and brilliant call at the beginning of 2024, when you predicted this would be a ‘Golden Year For Gold.’  Gold futures are hitting new all-time highs again today.

Gerald Celente: In the United States the debt is what, $36 trillion? But when you put in all of the unfunded liabilities, it’s about $260 trillion.  So these paper currencies are not worth the paper they are printed on, and that’s why gold prices are going up.  And also there is fear of the Israel war and the Ukraine war escalating.  So gold is going up because it’s the number one safe haven asset in the world.  And by the way…to listen to Gerald Celente’s dire warning for the world as well as his thoughts on gold, silver, inflation, war and much more CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

Just Released!
To listen to Alasdair Macleod discuss gold hitting a new all-time high, silver on the cusp of a truly historic upside breakout as well as what to expect from the high-quality mining and exploration stocks CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

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