Here is a portion of an extremely important note on the gold and silver markets from legendary newsletter writer, Mr. James Dines:

Mass Psychology And Gold
January 18 (
King World News
) – 
James Dines:  “Gold investing is so entirely out of favor by investors worldwide that mainstream Security Analysts don’t even venture an opinion on them, which contrarily is bullish.  They were too busy buying high-tech giants, just before they declined.  We are not deterred by Mass Psychology because such pessimism starts to occur near the start of bull markets, according to the Dines Theory of Positive Negativism (DITPON)…

Listen to the greatest Egon von Greyerz audio interview ever


Super Major Upwave III In Gold
James Dines continues:
  “For patient investors wishing to drink upstream from the herd, gold won’t double overnight, but there’s no bull markets as profitable as a monster gold bull market, and Super Major Upwave III will have its day.

Without a link to gold, or anything else of value, such as barrels of oil for example, there is no keel, or ropes tied to a dock keeping boats from banging into each other, and currency crashes will be a natural result, to worsen in coming years.  Especially if Mass Fear kicks in amidst national economic failures and there is  a sudden rush out of paper money.

Most Doubt Gold Will Rise
Most doubt a possible gold rise, figuring that in a deep recession general industrial output would go down, dragging metals production lower, for example as is now beginning in China.  But the metals affected are mainly industrial metals.  Do not confuse them with monetary metals such as gold or silver, whose intrinsic values are stable, controlled by monetary rather than industrial factors.” Within hours KWN will be releasing a remarkable audio interview with Egon von Greyerz and you can listen to it as soon as it is released by CLICKING HERE.

ALSO RELEASED: Fred Hickey Comments On The Plunging Global Economy And Gold CLICK HERE TO READ.

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