On the heels of David Rosenberg’s proposal for the United States to print trillions of dollars to stimulate the sagging economy, King World News spoke with veteran short seller Bill Fleckenstein, who said that would not be helicopter money, instead it would be “cold fusion.”
Eric King: “Bill, there is this idea being floated around now that there is going to be trillions of dollars printed and that will be the solution to the economic problems of the United States — that was put out by David Rosenberg. But it’s so preposterous when I listen to that from an Austrian economic perspective. I wanted to get your thoughts.”
Bill Fleckenstein: “Am I shocked that such a thinker as fine as David Rosenberg talks about taking things to the next level, i.e. merging monetization with fiscal policy? Now they are calling that helicopter money but we already had helicopter money. This is cold fusion…To continue listening to this extremely important KWN audio interview with Bill Fleckenstein discussing the “cold fusion” solution that is now being proposed in a world that is already drowning in monetary madness CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.
***ALSO RELEASED: Michael Oliver Just Issued This Extremely Important Update On The Gold Market CLICK HERE.
***KWN just released the remarkable audio interview with Jean-Marie Eveillard, the man who helps oversee $90 billion, and you can listen to it by CLICKING HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.
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