As we come to the end of trading in the first month of 2025, expect another round of high inflation to be unleashed this year.
January 29 (King World News) – Gregory Mannarino, writing for the Trends Journal: The backbone of the entire world financial and economic system is being manipulated in a highly destructive and deceptive way. I am referring to central bank issued notes, and over 90 percent of the world population has no idea that it is happening.
My number one call for 2025 was currency devaluation, and devaluation via two specific mechanisms.
- Vastly expanding global debt, and
- Central banks artificially suppressing rates/lowering rates.
Currently the Federal Reserve, along with the European Central Bank, the Bank of Canada, and the Swiss National Bank are in the process of cutting rates. In fact, this is the largest push for central banks cutting rates since CON-VID. Moreover, other central banks are expected to follow suit in 2025 with even more rate cuts.
On Thursday of last week, January 23rd, President Trump DEMANDED that The Federal Reserve cut rates. (A call which I said would happen from many months ago). My call that this event would occur was specifically covered and outlined in The Trends Journal, and in my other work.
Make NO MISTAKE! Whoever they selected as President, we would likely see the exact same things when it comes to allowing, and even possibly calling for central banks to inflate/suppress rates/devalue the currency. Making the call that it would be Trump demanding lower rates was simple—same playbook as his last tenure.
Months prior to the election/selection, I said, and this is public record: “If Trump becomes President, he will call for the Federal Reserve to cut rates.” (My call was followed by many boos, and hisses, followed by legions of people who said that my call would be wrong… well, today these people remain silent).
Moreover, I also said that whoever was selected as President would be the best friend to the Federal Reserve, helping the Fed to inflate, which is the goal of every central bank.
We the People of the world LITERALLY pay for central banks inflating in the form of accelerated currency purchasing power losses. Moreover, the more any central bank inflates, or is called upon to inflate by a politician, the stronger central banks become.
This went a GIANT step further on January 23rd, with President Trump demanding that NOT just the Fed cut rates, but WORLD CENTRAL BANKS also cut rates.
It appears that Trump has now become the spokesperson for not just the Fed, but for world central banks.
Demanding that the Fed cut rates, a process that they are already involved in, gives the Fed a GREEN LIGHT to inflate/artificially suppress rates, and therefore devalue the currency even faster. This process IS the root cause as to why the economy here in the U.S., and the economies of the world, are in crisis. But it sure is good for world stock markets! The question is, will it be enough?
To prop up world stock markets, it will require EXTREMELY low, possibly even negative rates, and with that, EXTREME currency purchasing power losses. This mechanism will be HIGHLY destructive to the middle class and put much more pressure on the economy. All this is exacerbated by the loss of world dollar dominance.
The mechanism of artificially suppressed rates, and the currency purchasing power losses that are created by it, are stock market positive.
This is exactly why this mechanism exists. It’s an in our face way to foster the greatest wealth transfer the world has ever seen, right up to the 1 and 2 percenters.
We can have a strong economy, and a currency with real purchasing power however, that would be good for the average working guy/gal. This would require higher rates, and that would HIT the price of stocks.
Moreover, higher rates would also undermine the Cantillon Effect, which would NOT be good for central banks nor the 1 and 2 percenters.
Gold Attacking All-Time High!
To listen to Alasdair Macleod discuss gold attacking all-time highs as well as what to expect from silver and mining stocks CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.
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