On the heels of the recent pullback in gold and silver, today Dr. Stephen Leeb told King World News that the world may see $20,000-$25,000.

$20,000-$25,000 Gold
September 14 (King World News) – 
Dr. Stephen Leeb:  “If we assume that this gold-backed SDR is going to be used in trade throughout the world, you have to have a target for gold that’s somewhere around $20,000-$25,000.  If you also assume that gold is going to be involved in backing up transactions within countries, and it probably will be involved in backing up transactions within China, which is 20% of the world’s transactions, you are talking about numbers that are fantastic (in the stratosphere).

This Can Happen
Bear in mind that the Dow was only 500 back in 1974.  Today it’s above 25,000.  This can happen and I think this is what we are looking at.  We are in the very early stages of one of the greatest bull markets of all time.  
And yes, I understand people get shaken up when they see the excitement in gold and they see a junior stock double, etc.  All the sudden it pulls back and they say, “I think we are going back to where we were.”  I really don’t think…Leeb tells investors what they should not do in the gold market as well as what his target is for gold on this pullback. To continue listening to this powerful and timely audio interview CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

Banks And Hedgers Make Moves In Gold & Silver
READ THIS NEXT! Bullion Banks And Commercials Making Moves In The Gold & Silver Markets

More articles to follow…

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