Since VE Day took place exactly 71 years ago over this past weekend (May 8, 1945), KWN felt it was appropriate to share something from a legend who warned of a world on the edge of chaos, and also spoke about his memories from one of the most important days in world history 71 years ago.
On the heels of wild start to the 2016 trading year, today the man who has become legendary for his predictions on QE, historic moves in currencies, and major global events, just warned that the world is now at a major tipping point. He also discussed the action in the gold and silver markets.
Today a top global money manager told King World News that gold is now in a historic bull market.
Today former U.S. Treasury Secretary, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, told King World News that corrupt central banks now support global fraud and massive financial manipulation.
Today former U.S. Treasury Secretary, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, warned King World News that the world financial system is on fire and the price of gold may skyrocket.
As fear around the globe increases and more investors begin to worry about the insane policies of central banks, two billionaires just issued dire warnings.
With gold, silver and the dollar all trading higher, a couple of greats in the business warned about two horrific nightmares that the world now faces.
On the heels of global stock markets trading to the downside, continued uncertainty in currency markets and gold and silver consolidating recent gains, today one of the great short sellers in the business discussed the action in gold, silver, the shares and a coming black swan that will trigger downside chaos.
With key global stock markets all trading lower, is this really where the world is now headed?
Late last year, Richard Russell made one of his last and most amazing predictions ever. Below is what the Godfather of newsletter writers had to say.