
5 Alternatives to Viagra Worth Trying

Photo by Ingram Publishing/ When the action isn’t happening below the belt, guys are surprisingly hesitant to seek help: Only a quarter of men diagnosed with erectile dysfunction actually treat the problem, according to a study published in the October issue of The Journal of Sexual Medicine. “We were kind of shocked,” said study author Dr. Kevin McVary, chair of the division of urology at the Southern Illinois University School

Broccoli May Hold The Secret to Improving Autism

A dose of a chemical found in broccoli and other vegetables may improve the behavioral and social symptoms of autism in young men, according to a new small study. “Our extract product we used is not on the market,” Dr. Andrew W. Zimmerman said by phone. “There are other things like it but in different forms.” Sulphoraphane is found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage, but more so

6 Fun Ways to Boost Her Desire

Feeling happy, on the other hand, was associated with greater sexual desire in the moment — as well as the next day. Past research has linked long-term emotional states, like depression, to sexual desire (or a lack thereof). “There’s a lot about our day-to-day lives that’s tied to our emotions, whether it’s sleep or appetite or sexual functioning,” study author David Kalmbach told Yahoo Health. Only one emotion was linked

Egon von Greyerz

FOR DIRECTIONS ON HOW TO PLAY OR DOWNLOAD AUDIOS: CLICK HERE Egon von Greyerz (EvG): Founder and Managing Partner of Matterhorn Asset Management AG & GoldSwitzerland – EvG forecasted the current economic problems over 12 years ago. In 2002 (gold $300/ oz.) MAM recommended to its investors to put 50% of their investment assets into physical gold stored outside the banking system. EvG specialises in M&A and Asset allocation consultancy for private

Top herbs to help cleanse lungs, make breathing easier

(NaturalNews) Whether it’s inhaling dust and harmful particles that are a part of the work environment, using harsh cleaning products around the house or simply being subjected to the many toxins and molds that people encounter throughout daily life, one thing is certain: It can take…