On the heels of the Dow tumbling another 900 points along with the price of crude oil and the price of gold and bonds rallying, it looks like another crisis is coming.
KWN audio has now been released.
Another Crisis Is Coming
March 27 (King World News) – Peter Boockvar: The Fed’s balance sheet could very well head to $10 Trillion or more before all is said and done and here is a chart of where it stands as of Wednesday as they have aggressively ramped up QE.
The side effects and reversing all this at some point will be a conversation for another day but that day will come. As for the US Treasury raising the $2 Trillion and the trillions to come to finance the current bill and all the other spending, that is for sure something to watch in the quarters to come. While Fitch affirmed the AAA rating of the US, they had all the caveats. Either way, with a printing press, all bond holders will get paid back but the value of that currency will most likely be worth less when returned than when it was first lent.
To listen to Alasdair Macleod discuss the bullion banks being squeezed in the gold and silver markets, the imminent catastrophe the world faces and much more CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.
This Is How Be The Situation Really Is
***Also Released: As We Embark On QE Infinity, This Is How Bad The Situation Really Is CLICK HERE.
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