Terrifying 15 minute cities will soon trap you and your family.

August 1 (King World News) – Gerald Celente:  Setting objectives for inhabitants to walk and live their lives within a “15 minute” walking radius, while effectively forcing a transition from cars to mass transit, has now been presented by officials in Edmonton, one Canada’s largest cities.

A Canadian TV report on the plan noted that it calls “for half of all future travel to be done by transit, and for residents to access all their daily needs within 15 minutes.”…

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The plan, which has an overview available as a pdf at the city’s website, authorizes major changes to zoning and city regulations that would effectively bombard residential neighborhoods with new “mixed use” and commercial zoning to place stores, industrial operations and other buildings and facilities into the mapped out districts, in order to “encourage” people to travel less, and live their recreational and purchasing and even work lives within a small distance from their dwellings.

The plan calls for a push to promote mass transit in cases where people do need to travel beyond those scant limits.

Specifically, some of the more controversial zoning changes to residential neighborhoods would include:

  • Enabl[ing] a greater diversity of non-residential uses in small scale residential zones, including limited commercial uses, by allowing them to occur at specific locations that would support the growth of local nodes. 

For example:

  • Allowing certain business types such as a small restaurant, retail store or office next to existing non-residential sites.
  • Allowing community service uses such as religious assemblies or child care facilities in a number of locations in residential zones, including certain corner sites, in existing non-residential buildings or next to non-residential sites.

The overview says the size of such establishments would be limited in some way, and that there would be regulations to “reduce nuisance potential.”

While some provisions would arguably expand rights of homeowners, allowing them to operate home based businesses, including signage etc., the overall thrust of the changes are meant to reduce travel, and have left many fearing that their quality of life and overall freedoms will suffer…

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So much for the grand “EV transition” for residents of Edmonton.

Color us not surprised. We have long forecast the ideological drive of elites to reduce the freedoms and wealth of the rest of average humanity, and especially the middle classes of developed western and westernized countries, using “climate crisis” claims as a pretext.

Since the early 1970’s, and accelerating from the early 1990’s to the present, technocratic elites have consistently promoted policies that have decimated the political power of the middle classes, and destroyed the social cohesion of formerly stable western societies.

See our many articles detailing the DEGROWTH agenda bubbling just under the surface of supposedly humanity concerned “climate crisis” agenda.

In these pages, we have long forecast that the supposed green energy transition, including the EV transition, will never result in EV ownership for most people, or in more abundant energy and greater freedoms and a higher standard of living.

Technocratic elites have a radical, technology fueled transhuman vision of the future which quite literally seeks to dispense with the bulk of the world’s underclass.

AI and robotics, together with an ever growing divide between the extremely wealthy and the rest of humanity, has fueled a radical questing to pursue godlike powers, while constraining and subjecting the rest of humanity to live in progressively more cramped, limited, dismal and non-procreative existences. 

The underclasses will either realize the game, and demand policies that reinvigorate growing middle classes and true progress, or will face even more draconian manipulations.

We have forecast average humans will be surveilled, genetically edited and sunsetted, in one way or another, if they don’t wise up to the wide-ranging manipulations of a cabal of transhuman ideologues.

As we summed it up in a recent X post, commenting on a thread by former government Intel professional Mike Benz highlighting Kamala Harris counseling young Americans to reconsider procreating in light of a climate change “crisis”:

Transhuman “speciation” for the select few, and a Degrowth war on the rest of humanity (and particularly their mortal enemy, western middle classes) is their agenda. Climate crisis, war, controlled chaos and imposing radical technologies are their primary weapons.

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