On the heels of gold hitting $1,5230, today one of the greats in the business says the price of gold is set to explode higher, plus a look at Bubble Warning I & II.

Gold About To Explode?
September 24 (King World News) – Top Citi analyst Tom Fitzpatrick:  “Gold is breaking double bottom resistance at $1,524. A close above (which we expect) would suggest extended gains toward at least $1,560-$1,565.

Ultimately we expect extended gains towards $1,700-$1,800 to be seen.

GOLD ABOUT TO EXPLODE? Gold Breaking Resistance Targets $1,565 Short Term, Long Term $1,700-$1,800

Bubble Warning I
Peter Boockvar: 
Last week the Fed released its Q2 flow of funds statement, essentially the financial statements of the country at all levels, both public and private sectors. I include the updated Net Worth to Disposable Income chart at almost 700% to highlight the US economy’s dependency on asset prices in driving things. It is why raising them is the Fed’s other mandate and something Powell reinforced last week when talking about financial conditions. We can certainly thank the Fed for this and if there ever was a smoking gun chart evidencing their influence on the inequality debate it is this chart.

BUBBLE WARNING: Net Worth To Disposable Income Near All-Time Record 700%!

Bubble Warning II
I’ve also included a chart from the FOF statement that depicts total business debt as a percent of nominal GDP, now at a record high, so you can understand when Fed President’s Rosengren and Kaplan mention excessive corporate debt, you can remember this chart. Of course supporting more rate cuts has the intention of seeing this ratio only go higher.

BUBBLE WARNING II: Total Business Debt As % Of GDP At All-Time Record!

Don’t Miss This!
has now released an extremely powerful audio interview with Alasdair Macleod where he
discusses how the global chaos will accelerate and why a worldwide depression may loom as well as what people need to do in order to protect themselves from the coming turmoil, which he believes will devastate most investors.  You can listen to it by CLICKING HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

One Of The Most Popular Things Ever Written About Investing
READ THIS NEXT! One Of The Most Popular Things Ever Written On The Subject Of Investing

More articles to follow…

In the meantime, other important releases…

MAJOR GOLD & SILVER UPDATE: Gold On The Way To $1,600, But Look At Where Silver Is Headed CLICK HERE TO READ

Greyerz – BUCKLE UP: We Have Just Entered The Explosive Phase In Gold & Silver CLICK HERE TO READ

What To Expect For Gold & Oil, Plus A Dramatic Week for Key Markets CLICK HERE TO READ

Alasdair Macleod – The World Is On The Cusp Of A Global Currency Crisis CLICK HERE TO READ

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