Nintendo CEO who broadened video game appeal dies of cancer

Nintendo Co Ltd Chief Executive Satoru Iwata died of cancer on Saturday, months after he led the Japanese video-game maker’s belated entry into mobile gaming following years of declining sales. The death of the hands-on CEO and president, announced by Nintendo on Monday, comes at a critical time for the company which is betting that its new smartphone tie-up with online game maker DeNA will help make up for declining

Ubisoft's PS4 catalogue outselling Xbox One twice over

Games publisher Ubisoft has released its first quarter sales figures for this year and they make rather sombre reading for Microsoft with Playstation 4 titles outselling their Xbox One equivalents by more than two-to-one. Though it is just taking into account Ubisoft’s own sales it’s still a pretty raw reflection of the overall market share dominance Sony’s console has over the relatively poor-selling Xbox One. Microsoft’s flagship console is going

Apple producing exclusive new video content for its top artists

According to a report by Pitchfork Apple is now producing exclusive video content for top artists, such as Drake, Eminem and Pharrell, to give people more reasons to stick with Apple Music beyond the three free months. Last friday Drake released his Energy video, debuting on Apple Music first, with Pitchfork explaining Apple had made the video in-house with its own production team. Not content with dropping a huge catalogue

Review: Audio-Technica ATH-MSR7

Wireless headphones are all the rage, and for good reason. Listening to music wire-free is simply more convenient, as you don’t even need to touch your music player to change songs. That said, there will always be a loyal crowd of headphone enthusiasts that refuse to snip the cable. Why? Sound quality. At its current state, wireless technology can’t stream true audiophile-level sound without costing a fortune. Going wired is