The US Debt Bomb And Gold
As we continue to kickoff trading in 2025, concerns are mounting over the US debt bomb, but the beneficiary will continue to be the gold market.
The biggest financial bubble in the history of financial bubbles continues to unwind.
As we continue to kickoff trading in 2025, concerns are mounting over the US debt bomb, but the beneficiary will continue to be the gold market.
Below are updated price targets for gold, silver and mining stocks.
Here is a look at the prospects for fiat currency markets, plus a note about gold.
On the heels of gold’s beautiful upside breakout, we also saw the US dollar breakdown. Take a look…
After a significant move higher in the US dollar, there is no question that newly elected President Trump’s moves will heavily impact gold and the US dollar.
Today the trop trends forecaster in the world warned King World News that a radical 2025 lies ahead that will see one wildcard played after another.
If you are worried about the shakeout in gold, just read this…
One thing is becoming quite clear, the price of new cars are too high even for the affluent.
Here is a look at the US dollar, gold, market sentiment, credit card and auto delinquencies.
Interest rates around the world are rising and it is impacting markets across the globe. Take a look…
Take a look at the most shocking thing happening in the real estate market.
Gold and silver prices stabilized as the stock market pulled back, but take a look at this…
Today the man who helps to oversee $170 billion told King World News that investors need to prepare for turbulence in global markets.
Today the gold HUI Gold Mining Index had a single day 6%+ crash as investors in the sector continue to climb a “wall of terror” in this historic bull market. But take a look at this…
Misery loves misconception: Learn the truth about flu protection to stay healthy this season. If you’re planning to get a flu shot, now is the time: the vaccine offers the best protection before flu season kicks into high gear in late fall. “The flu vaccine is the number one way to prevent influenza unless you live in a bubble,” said Susan Rehm, MD, vice chair for Cleveland Clinic’s Department of
“Most guys have never even heard that anything in their diet could impact sperm count.” But the truth is, an emerging body of research suggests that the foods you pile on your plate may play a role in the number of sperm you have (count), whether they’re normally shaped (morphology), and how well they move (motility). Related: 6 Ways to Boost Your Odds of IVF Success How that does that play
Having trouble sleeping? ABC’s Tech Contributor Tina Trinh tries out the newest technology that could help you get a better night’s sleep.
Corporations and national advocacy groups are throwing big dollars behind TV ads before voters decide 158 state ballot measures.
(NaturalNews) Low concentrations of various pharmaceutical drugs are making their way into our water systems and soil through improper disposal, such as flushing, and through human excretion.When people take antibiotics, or other medications, they are often passed through the…
(NaturalNews) If you need another reason to add more celery into your diet, researchers have now identified a compound in the vegetable that demonstrates anti-tumor activity. Effective against several types of cancer — including those of the pancreas, ovaries, liver, small intestine…
Is your sofa bad for your health? A host of scientists and advocacy groups say the answer may be yes — and some government officials may slowly be agreeing with them. The problem lies with fire-retardant chemicals in foam sofa cushions. In the 1970s concerns over house fires, some sparked by lit cigarettes on furniture, prompted a move to…
Whether in a personal or professional setting, very few of us find ourselves wanting to be apart from our smart phones. They keep us connected to just about everything these days. In healthcare, electronic devices are permeating both the hospital and consumer/patient settings with everything from electronic health records to wearable devices…
What are you most afraid of? It’s a personal question that brings to mind a number of unsettling thoughts: spiders, ghosts, heights, public speaking. A new survey asked the question to a random sample of 1,500 people across the nation.
(NaturalNews) If you haven’t yet read The Hot Zone by Richard Preston, a non-fiction book published in 1994, you’re way behind the curve on the truth about Ebola.This book reveals all sorts of astonishing truths about Ebola which have since been buried or distorted by a modern…
(NaturalNews) The decline and fall of the once-great city of Detroit is continuing apace, as city officials have been given the green light by a U.S. bankruptcy judge to continue shutting off water service to residents chronically behind on their bills.Judge Steven Rhodes ruled…
(NaturalNews) A major promoter of heart disease in the U.S. today could be a chemical that the government has been intentionally dumping into the water supply for decades on the premise that it prevents tooth decay. Fluoride, according to a new study published in the journal Toxicology…
(NaturalNews) Besides vaccines, there appears to be another major culprit in the escalating autism epidemic: Roundup herbicide. Data compiled from multiple government sources reveals that the steadily rising epidemic of autism in the U.S. is directly correlated with the rising use…
New research suggests aluminum exposure contributes to dementia, but there is plenty you can do to lower your risk.
Spinach It may be green and leafy, but spinach is no nutritional wallflower, and you know from reading Eat This, Not That! . This noted muscle builder is a rich source of plant-based omega-3s and folate , which help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and osteoporosis. Bonus: Folate also increases blood flow to the nether regions, helping to protect you against age-related sexual issues. And spinach is packed with lutein , a compound
“Obesity is a problem of choice,” said neurologist Alain Dagher. “We need to think of the brain as being central to obesity.” (Photo by Renée Comet/Stockfood) Tempted to munch on potato chips instead of carrot sticks?
The technique, described as a breakthrough by a study in the journal Cell Transplantation, involved transplanting what are known as olfactory ensheathing cells into the patient’s spinal cord and constructing a “nerve bridge” between two stumps of the damaged spinal column. “We believe… this procedure is the breakthrough which, as it is further developed, will result in a historic change in the currently hopeless outlook for people disabled by spinal
(NaturalNews) The “innovative” and “challenging new compounds” created each day by commerce are threatening the planet in which we live, scientists say. More and more traces of pharmaceuticals are being discovered in our lakes, rivers and soil daily, and their effects are pretty much…
(NaturalNews) A field of unregulated genetically modified (GM) wheat has been discovered growing wild in Montana, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced.No varieties of GM wheat have been approved for cultivation in the United States, but this is the second plot…
(NaturalNews) Frontline infectious disease workers are breathing a cautious sigh of relief in the United States today as a full six days have elapsed since the last report of a confirmed Ebola infection on U.S. soil. In one of the most honest opening paragraphs you’ll ever read in…
Auryn Expands High-Grade Zone at Curibaya by 1.5 kilometers with Additional High-Grade Silver, Gold and Copper Samples
Auryn Samples High-Grade Silver and Gold over 4.5 km² at Curibaya Vancouver, Canada – October 28th, 2019 – Auryn Resources Inc. (TSX: AUG, NYSE American: AUG) (“Auryn” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce initial rock sampling results from the newly acquired Sambalay and Salvador concessions at the Company’s 11,000 hectare Curibaya project located in the Tacna province in Southern Peru. High-grade mineralization was sampled throughout a 1.5 kilometer by
Auryn Intersects 116 meters of 0.58% Copper Equivalent in Historical Drill Core from Auryn’s Fierrazo Target at Sombrero Vancouver, British Columbia – June 13, 2019 – Auryn Resources Inc. (TSX: AUG, NYSE AMERICAN: AUG, “Auryn” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce results from eight historical drill holes, totaling 988 meters of drilling, from the Fierrazo target at the Sombrero project in Southern Peru. These holes were drilled in 2013
Auryn Identifies New, Significant Gold and Silver Targets at the Homestake Ridge Project
Kicking off drilling at Dark Star!
K92 Announces Stellar PEA Results VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 08, 2019 — K92 Mining announces positive results of the updated Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) THE KEY OUTCOMES FROM THE PEA WERE: Mining production and plant processing capacity could be increased to 400,000 tonnes per annum over a period of approximately 12 months; Could achieve an NPV of US $710 million pre-tax, or US $559 million after tax, and an Internal Rate
Auryn Identifies Multiple Copper-Gold Drill Targets at Sombrero
K92 ANNOUNCES INCREASED RESOURCE FOR KORA NORTH HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: • The updated Mineral Resource estimate for the Kora North deposit comprises a Measured Resource of 154,000 tonnes @ 18.7 g/t Au, 8.9 g/t Ag and 0.5% Cu; an Indicated Resource of 690,000 tonnes @ 11.6 g/t Au, 14.1 g/t Ag and 0.8% Cu and an Inferred Resources of 1.92 million tonnes @ 11.4 g/t Au, 13.1 g/t Ag and 0.7%
GOLD STANDARD STEP OUT AND INFILL DRILLING INTERSECTS MORE THICK INTERVALS OF OXIDE GOLD AT DARK STAR Oxidized intercepts include 33.5m of 2.33 g Au/t and 109.7m of 1.00 g Au/t November 15, 2018 – Vancouver, B.C. – Gold Standard Ventures Corp. (TSX: GSV; NYSE AMERICAN: GSV) (“Gold Standard” or the “Company”) today reported more impressive results from two reverse-circulation (“RC”) holes and four core holes at the Dark Star deposit