Elon Musk warns AI could wipe out humanity

(NaturalNews) Humanity’s quest to outsmart the Creator by developing robots of a higher and more adaptable level of intelligence could prove disastrous for the survival of our species, says Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk.Speaking at Vanity Fair’s New Establishment Summit in San Francisco…

The Secrets To Long Life As Shared By Those Over 90 Years Old

We’re all looking for the fountain of youth. It’s right in front of our eyes.Not only do we want to live to a ripe old age, but we also want to do so while maintaining our vigor and health. What good is to live longer but be in failing health and homebound?More than half of those born today will live to be 100. In the United States today, two…

What Exactly Is Emotional Health?

Just a few days ago somebody asked me what I actually meant when I used the term emotional health. Now I found this really interesting because this was someone that I would have considered to be pretty emotionally aware, tuned into both their own feelings as well as the feelings of others and emotionally sensitive and very empathic. From this…

5 Surprising Ways Stress Messes With Your Health

More than 40 percent of adults say their stress level has increased over the past five years. (C.J. Burton/Corbis) Most people get that stress contributes to the most common —and most threatening —health problems, including biggies such as cardiovascular disease and Type 2 Diabetes. Related: How Stress Messes With Your Workout 4) It lowers your sperm count A study released last year in the journal Fertility and Sterility examined the sperm of

Factbox: Ebola cases in the United States

(Reuters) – Nine cases of Ebola have been seen in the United States since the beginning of August. A Liberian man who died Oct. 8 in a Dallas hospital was the first person diagnosed with the virus on U.S. soil. The latest case is a doctor in New York City who was diagnosed on Oct. 23 within a week of returning from treating people in Guinea, one of the three

5 “Health” Foods That Are Worse Than a Donut

The American supermarket is like a Halloween parade in reverse. To go trick or treating, neighborhood kids dress up as goblins and try to take sugar out of your hands. But at the supermarket, gruesome creatures dress up as kindly benefactors and try to put sugar into your hands. At Eat This, Not That! , we’re pulling the mask off of seemingly healthy products seemingly healthy products that are secretly

27% of Americans are now afraid to fly because of Ebola

(NaturalNews) Hyped-up Ebola fears have descended into the Western World, splattered all over the media and dripping like infectious blood through the minds of Americans. When the Western medical system failed to properly identify the first stray case of Ebola, two other nurses were…

Herbal remedies for Candida overgrowth

(NaturalNews) The first step in eliminating an overgrowth of candida is to stop feeding it. Sugar is your worst enemy. This means eliminating all forms of sugar including simple carbohydrates that the body turns into sugar as well as yeast and moldy foods. Also, avoid all allergens…

The Power of Food: Belief vs. Reality

By Miriam ArondThe 2014 JBF Food Conference, taking place October 27-28 in New York City, will explore the intersection of food and health. Our speakers and panelists will discuss the myriad ways in which food supports personal and public health; fails to deliver on the promise of better health; and both drives and responds to other cultural…

8 Health Tips From The Morgue

Tony Weinhaus, PhD (director of anatomy at the University of Minnesota) and Jennifer Wright (embalmer and director of Sunset Funeral Care) say that working with dead bodies allows them to provide knowledge and comfort to students and the deceased person’s family members, respectively. Wright and Dr. Weinhaus also see firsthand how people’s lifestyles and habits factor into their overall health.  “Working with the body, you realize to some degree that

Blue-light blocking glasses may help sleep after screen time

By Kathryn Doyle NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – The blue glow from televisions and other screens suppresses natural mechanisms that help us fall asleep at night, but blocking just the blue wavelength may restore normal nighttime sleepiness, according to a new study. Teen boys who used computers and other digital devices while wearing the glasses every evening for a week felt markedly more relaxed and sleepy at bedtime than when

Seniors, Rejoice: Drinking Alcohol May Preserve Your Memory

In the study, published in the American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias, the researchers tracked the alcohol intake of 664 people, assessed their cognitive functioning with a handful of tests, and performed scans of their brains. What they found: Imbibing later in life — as long as it was at a light to moderate level — was associated with better episodic memory, or the ability to remember specific







This Company Is Set To Make What May Be The Biggest Silver Discovery In Decades! Tier One Silver is about to start drilling what could be one of the largest silver discoveries in history! With samples as high as 300,000 grams of silver on surface, Tier One has captured the mining world’s attention as they prepare to drill for what many believe may be a major silver discovery! STOCK SYMBOL TSLV IN

EXCLUSIVE KWN VIDEO FOOTAGE! Look At The Massive Line Of Customers In Thailand’s Gold District

(King World News) – The following exclusive King World News video footage (below) obtained by our sources on the ground in Asia shows a massive line of customers in Thailand’s Gold District. Ratri Armchuang, who has been active in the gold stores for 54 years, stated, “I have never seen the line this long in Thailand’s Gold District in my entire life.” The massive line of customers are looking to sell their