After Friday’s nearly 700 point decline in the Dow, John Embry just warned the grand illusion is finally starting to unravel.

The Grand Illusion
February 3 (
King World News
) – 
John Embry:
 “Let’s face it, the US economy is in big trouble, despite
 what people read and hear from the mainstream media.  And the implications for the stock and bond markets are anything but positive.  Not surprisingly, the authorities have intensified their pressure on gold and silver in the paper markets in an attempt to create the illusion that all is well.  However, despite the large rise in Open Interest over the first month of the year, gold and silver have demonstrated resilience — in spite today’s orchestrated decline.  I think in retrospect this will be…To continue listening to the powerful and timely KWN audio interview with John Embry CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

***ALSO JUST RELEASED: ALERT: This Is What Really Triggered Today’s 600+Point Plunge In The Dow CLICK HERE TO READ.


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