On the heels of gold surging to $2,420 and silver spiking nearly $2 to $31.77, billionaire Pierre Lassonde spoke with King Word News about what stocks he is buying right now as the 3rd phase of the gold and silver bull market gets underway.

May 18 (King World News) – Eric King:  “Pierre, I asked you before we started this interview, are you buying anything?  And [LAUGHTER] I’ll let you share what you said to me before we kicked this off — or you can phrase it however you want.”

Billionaire Pierre Lassonde:  “I’m going to be very polite since I’m on the air, but yes, I am buying! I put $15 million into a gold deal. I’m also putting some serious money into…to continue listening to billionaire Pierre Lassonde discuss what he is buying right now as well as the wild trading he expects to see in the gold and silver markets CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

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