Here is a look at the Citi Pain Index, a contrarian alert, this is not going to end well, plus look at what is collapsing.

This Is Not Going To End Well
June 22 (
King World News) –
The Daily Shot:  Forget margin debt. US retail investors are taking out personal loans to trade stocks. This is not going to end well.

WARNING: People Using Personal Loans To Trade Stocks!

Citi Pain Index
The Daily Shot:
  According to the Citi PAIN index, active F/X traders are most bearish on the US dollar in years.

FX Traders Most Bearish On US Dollar In Years!

Insiders just invested another $56 Million in this 12 million ounce
Canadian gold company!

People Continue Hoarding Cash
The Daily Shot:
  US bank deposits have been massively outpacing loans due to the Fed’s QE.

US Bank Deposits Massively Outpacing Loans

Adam Tooze, Director of the European Institute: 
Lumber prices are now plunging as rapidly as they rose.

Lumber Prices Collapsing

Keith Neumeyer Just Predicted $100+ Silver And $3,000 Gold! TO LISTEN CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

Contrarian Alert
Rob Hager:
  68% investors don’t expect recession until 2024 at the earliest (see chart below).

Virtually No One Expecting A Recession

To find out which silver company just made a major acquisition that will
quadruple their production 
click here or on the image below

Party Like It’s 2004
Liz Ann Sonders, Chief Investment Strategist at Charles Schwab: 
Inflation expectations may have peaked per those in Bank of America Global Fund Manager Survey (see chart below).

Inflation Expectations Rolling Over

To listen to Dr. Leeb discuss the gold and silver takedown, why the pullback is most likely already close to being finished and why both metals are headed into the stratosphere CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

To listen to Alasdair Macleod discuss this week’s takedown in the gold and silver markets and what to expect next CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

Also just released: Silver, Plus A Look At Housing CLICK HERE.
Also just released: Bullion Banks Cover Gold Shorts, But How Many Longs Are Left To Shake Out? CLICK HERE.
Also released: Gold Bull Alert, Plus 3 Stunning Charts CLICK HERE.
Also released: Greyerz – Gold And The Coming Global Economic Meltdown CLICK HERE.
Also released:
“This Has Certainly Been A Week For The Ages, And A Major Wakeup Call For Everybody!” CLICK HERE.

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