Central banks rule the world, less than zero, plus the road to $50 silver.

Central Banks Rule The World
August 21 (
King World News) – 
Olger Zschaepitz:
  “ECB balance sheet keeps stagnating ahead of crucial Sep meeting. Total assets shrank by a tiny €1.6bn to 4,676.1, still near record and equal to 40.4% of Eurozone’s GDP vs Fed’s 18.4% or BoJ’s 102.4% and SNB’s 118%. (See below).

Bloated ECB’s Balance Sheet Equals 40.4% Of Eurozone’s GDP

Less Than Zero
Jeroen Blokland: 
“Germany’s 30-year bond yield has dropped to below 0%. It topped 8% in 25 years ago. As a result German long-term bond have realized a massive return. But what about the next 25 years?  (See below).

Germany’s 30-Year Bond Drops Below 0%

First Silver Hits $21…
Graddhy out of Sweden: 
“Said we could go straight to 21 and that´s because there is a thin zone from 18-21. Indecision-like candle last week though, and there is a thin zone on daily down to my double bottom neckline at 16.2. Many silver miners also have this thin zone downwards right now. (See below).

Thin Zone In The Silver Market From $18-$21

Mining legend Ross Beaty (Chairman Pan American Silver) is investing in a company very few people know about. To find out which company CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

Then Silver Returns To $50
Graddhy out of Sweden: 
“My very long term weekly here has the same setup as my weekly (above), i.e. massive thin zone coming up above. This chart and the chart just below means put together that we really have a thin zone all the way up to 50, once we clear 18. Now, think about that, hard. (See below).

Then It’s Clear Sailing To $50 Silver

Quote Of The Week
READ THIS NEXT! Quote Of The Week

KWN has released the powerful audio interview with Rick Rule where he discusses chaotic global markets and what investors need to be doing right now, plus what he expects next in major markets, including gold CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

More articles to follow…

In the meantime, other important releases…

Legend Connected In China At The Highest Levels Says Gold Price Will Surge Another $700 CLICK HERE TO READ

After Pullback, Here Is Where Things Stand In The Gold Market CLICK HERE TO READ

James Turk – We May See A Squeeze In The Silver Market Next Week CLICK HERE TO READ

Greyerz Just Warned The Paper Gold Market Is Vulnerable CLICK HERE TO READ

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