On the heels of David Rosenberg’s proposal for the United States to print trillions of dollars to stimulate the sagging economy, King World News spoke with veteran short seller Bill Fleckenstein, who said that would not be helicopter money, instead it would be “cold fusion.”
Today King World News is pleased to present an extremely important update on the war in the gold market from Michael Oliver at MSA. Oliver allowed KWN exclusively to share this key report with our global audience.
One of the legends in the business, 50-year veteran Jean-Marie Eveillard, warned King World News that the grand central bank experiment might end badly and there is a possibility of “extreme outcomes.”
As the monetary madness continues, look at the powerful piece below.
On the heels of yesterday’s KWN viral interview with Gerald Celente This Is The Shocking Truth About How Bad The Economy Really Is In The United States, it appears that an already bad situation for the U.S. and the rest of the world may be about to get a lot worse.
With the Dow still above 18,000 and the dollar surging, is the world now headed into the next financial crisis?
With continued uncertainty in global markets, this is the shocking truth about how bad the economy really is in the United States.
As the metals bounce, what is cheaper, gold or silver?
As the gold and silver markets attempt to stage a rally, today John Embry spoke with King World News about the doomed EU experiment and the FT’s anti-gold propaganda.
As the world awaits the next round of monetary madness, here is a dire warning about negative shocks, deeper recession and the great threat to financial stability.