Man Asked To Speak To Chinese Officials Warns World To Plunge Into Total Chaos And Panic In 2015

Today a legend who was recently asked by the Chinese government to give a speech to a large number of government officials in China warned King World News that the world is going to plunge into total chaos and panic in 2015. John Ing, who has been in the business for 43 years, takes KWN readers on a trip down the rabbit hole of governent theft of assets, and central bank lies and corruption. He also made a stunning prediction about gold.

Paul Craig Roberts – The Whole World Is Staring Down The Barrel Of A Gun As Global Collapse Looms

In the aftermath of last week’s Swiss ‘black swan’ and on the heels of the ECB announcing that they are going to inject $1.3 trillion of stimulus into Europe’s beleaguered banking system and bond market, today former U.S. Treasury official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, warned King World News that the whole world is staring down the barrel of a gun as global collapse looms.

All Eyes Now On Gold After World Experiences Second Black Swan Event

After the world experienced second black swan event last week and the ECB has just announced a 1.1 trillion euro stimulus program in a desperate attempt to save the European banking system, today King World News is featuring a piece from one of the greats in the business which points out that all eyes are now on gold as global stock markets are set for a rough 2015.

The Great Reset Will Hammer Final Nail In West’s Coffin

Today one of the top money managers in the world told King World News that the coming Great Reset will be the final nail in the West’s coffin. He also discussed how this is going to dramatically alter the power structure across the globe as well as what investors should be doing ahead of the coming turmoil.

Gerald Celente – The Great Panic Of 2015 Is Now On

On the heels of the ECB announcing they are seeking to inject 1.1 trillion euros into the European financial system in a desperate attempt to fight off deflation, today the top trends forecaster in the world told King World News that this is just more evidence that the Great Panic of 2015 is now on.